Newsletters Overview
We have assembled the leading market and industry commentaries across the region in APAC. Direct, actionable information that executives can use tactically today, and strategically tomorrow.
Frank's Market Commentary
As one of the industry's most direct and pragmatic commentators, Frank's market commentary is hard hitting, quick, and actionable. It may not be what you want to hear, but it is certainly a view for you to consider.
The APAC fintech summary for us fintech ceos
Want the real story on what is happening in APAC with regards to FinTech? This newsletter pulls no punches. We cut through phantom "funding $$ undisclosed" financings, headline M&A that are really distressed acqui-hires, and the mother-lode of all strategy questions: how to handle the Chinese Dragons?
Sneak peek! frank's new book: "dragons eat unicorns"
Be the first to receive Frank's new book: "Dragons Eat Unicorns!"