(1) Bring Investment to Santa Barbara

Revenue/Investment solves the County’s budget problem.  Santa Barbara County is globally recognized for its talented workforce, IP from UCSB, and as a leader in agriculture, food sustainability, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence.  Apeel’s raise of $250 million is just one example of the true potential of our County.

(2) Provide Support to Public Safety

To attract investment to the County, we need to provide law enforcement the resources and equipment they need to help provide a safe work climate for industry’s employees.

(3) Truly Address Homelessness

Leading industry needs affordable housing for its employees. This increased base of workers provides the County the additional revenue it needs to provide a safe solution for the city’s homeless.     

(4) Lompoc is the County’s Future

Lompoc represents the future of Santa Barbara County.  The city’s leadership is proactive to investment and the city has the capacity, infrastructure and community support for growth.

(5) Fix Cannibis

Cannibis did not address the County’s revenue shortfall. Nor did it provide a regulatory framework that took into consideration local industry and our communities.